Terms of Use

Last Modified on: 11/06/2021

By accessing 8therate.com, you agree to the Terms of Use of the website, all applicable laws & regulations and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws so please read terms carefully before opting or engaging with any service of the website. The materials contained in this website are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law.

Intellectual Property

The website located on https://www.8therate.com (Referred as ‘Company’, ‘We’ or ‘8therate’), its materials (including, but not limited to, website code, WordPress themes, audios, designs, videos, texts, graphics and other files) and the arrangement pattern are the proprietary material of 8therate. No part of this website can be copied, transmitted, modified, distributed or reproduced by any means or in any form unless permitted by 8therate.com. If we discover any party has used/is using our copyright materials in any form without taking written approval from 8therate, we may bring legal proceedings and you will be liable for civil penalties and an injunction to stop infringement of materials.

Business Team, Technical Team or the person who is in touch with the client may share the idea or scope of improvement or details related to 8therate.com’s operation and process, which are due rights of 8therate.com only and no one other than 8therate.com claims ownership of it nor can misuse any copyrighted or trademark material or provided information, If anyone does so will be liable for civil penalties and/or monetary damages.   

All WordPress Themes and Plugins that are available for purchase or download on 8therate.com, are the property of 8therate.com and the Customer cannot claim exclusive, intellectual or any type of ownership to any of our modified or unmodified Products (WordPress Themes and Plugins).

Websites and Apps

Website, Web Applications, Softwares and Mobile Apps will be developed based on the scope finalized between client and 8therate. The entire development will be done based on the details mentioned in the WBS/BRD/FRD/SRS/SOW or any scope confirmation document shared with the client so clients are requested to go through each and every detail mentioned in the shared documents and don’t assume anything. In case of multiple documents, the last shared document or finalized scope, in any format, will be considered. Anything outside of the scope or assumed details that are not part of the written scope will be considered as additional work and 8therate will provide additional time and cost for the requested additional work

WordPress Themes

Our WordPress themes and plugins are licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. All themes and plugins are compatible with WordPress 4.5 and higher versions, you might come across some issues in case you use a lower version of WordPress than 4.5. We always make sure that our Themes and Plugins work flawlessly with the current version of WordPress but we cannot give a guarantee about future WordPress versions. We might discontinue the theme/plugin if we feel that it is not compatible with our current offerings. Our themes work on almost all well known browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox & Edge but we cannot give full assurity of the same. 

8therate doesn’t provide any guarantee or warranty of themes and plugins in any manner and cannot assure its compatibility with 3rdparty offerings or components. Customer can use themes as many times as he/she wants but in case of a premium theme, the customer will get updates for the only number of the themes that are mentioned in the package at the time of purchasing it from 8therate.com, have an active license and subscription time is not over (at the time of receiving an update).  By default, you will get 1 year of subscription from the date of purchase for our premium themes & plugins and you are eligible to get theme updates and priority support for a year. After completion of a year, the Customer needs to renew the subscription in order to continue downloading updates and to get priority support. 

In demos, we have used a few photographs as example images and for demonstration purposes along with some 3rd party paid plugins to give Users a feel of the website. These things are not part of your purchase package and you are responsible for adding your images or plugins. 8therate reserve rights to stop the support for the problems that occurred in a theme because of third party plugins/script has been installed or after files have been modified. 8therate reserves rights to modify or discontinue a subscription at any time, in case we found something suspicious or any misconduct, with or without notice.

In case of a free theme, the Customer is not allowed to remove ‘Copyright Notice’ or link of the 8therate without getting written approval from 8therate.

SEO Services

Customers are requested to provide all required details at the time of discussing the requirement. At the time of performing SEO, we might need to update website functionality and features to achieve desired goals. In case you don’t allow us to perform such updates then it might impact the final output.

Revisions and Limitations

There might be some technical, clerical, typographical or photographic errors in the website content, Emails, Documents, price list or contract shared by 8therate. We reserve rights to make the updates at any time without any liability on 8therate.

In no event shall 8therate.com be liable to any party for, including but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, incidental, exemplary or consequential damages, including lost profits, loss of data, arising out of the use of this website or its offerings and its documentation, even if regents has been advised of the possibility of such damage.

Support and warranty

You will get support for bug fixes and answers to questions originating in and pertaining to the core files of the Website, Web App, Software or Mobile App developed by 8therate. Any functionality improvement/adding request or consultation request on how to alter the code to add a new or different feature compared to the default scope will be considered as an additional task. 

8therate will provide you the time of complementary support at the time of opting for the service and will be mentioned in the proposal document. Complementary support will be started automatically after 15 days of the project completion email from the 8therate (if not deployed/published on the client’s server/account) or from the date on which the project has been deployed/published on the client’s server or account. Customer will not be entertained for support tickets submitted after completion of the complimentary support period, until and unless the customer has opted for paid support. If you have submitted a ticket before completion of the warranty period and 8therate is not able to complete work within the warranty period then it will be the liability of 8therate to complete the work even after the warranty period.

You can modify the website, web app, software or mobile app code for any purpose but once you will do it, you will not be eligible for free support.

Refund Policy

All the services provided by 8therate are intangible goods that are being delivered digitally therefore we follow a strict refund policy for all our offerings, so it is advisable to check the refund policy before opting for any of the services to avoid dissatisfaction. 

There is no refund policy on a custom website, webapp, software of mobile app development and SEO Services so customers are requested to check all the shared documents carefully before signing the contract or making a payment.

In case of a disagreement that led to project cancellation or cancellation done by the customer or 8therate, 8therate should deliver the work that is decided in the scope (written in the final/last delivered document) for which the customer has already done the payment. 

In case of WordPress theme, you will be eligible to get a refund within the 7days of theme purchase in case you have not received the same theme that is being displayed in the demo.

Governing Law

Any dispute arising out of the use of the website or its services are subject to the laws of Gujarat, India. Any legal action or proceedings related to or arising out of this Terms and Conditions shall be settled in the courts and/or tribunals at Rajkot, Gujarat, India.